Answers: Q1. b. 3 Q2. c. 2 Q3. c. (5578,17) Q4. b. 41 Q5. b. 32 Q6. c. 4 & 2717 Q7. a. Yes 47% & No – 53% Q8. a. Across all ages, most of the client’s average yearly balance is less than 20000 euros Q9. b. 397 Q10. c. 78 Q11. b. pandas.get_dummies(data) Q12. d. list and set Q13. d. model.preRead more
Q1. b. 3
Q2. c. 2
Q3. c. (5578,17)
Q4. b. 41
Q5. b. 32
Q6. c. 4 & 2717
Q7. a. Yes 47% & No – 53%
Q8. a. Across all ages, most of the client’s average yearly balance is less than 20000 euros
Q9. b. 397
Q10. c. 78
Q11. b. pandas.get_dummies(data)
Q12. d. list and set
Q13. d. model.predict(test)
Q14. c. 71% to 85%
Q15. c. 61% to 80%
Disclaimer: These answers are provided only for the purpose to help students to take references. This website does not claim any surety of 100% correct answers. So, this website urges you to complete your assignment yourself.
Answers: Q1. c. 0 Q2. a. 0 Q3. b. (5581,17) Q4. d. 41 Q5. a. 63 Q6. c. 24373 Q7. d. 12 & 1318 Q8. a. Yes- 47% & No- 53% Q9. c. Across all ages, most of the client’s average yearly balance is less than 20000 euros Q10. d. 92 Q11. b. pandas.get_dummies(data) Q12. d. list and set Q13. c. model.Read more
Q1. c. 0
Q2. a. 0
Q3. b. (5581,17)
Q4. d. 41
Q5. a. 63
Q6. c. 24373
Q7. d. 12 & 1318
Q8. a. Yes- 47% & No- 53%
Q9. c. Across all ages, most of the client’s average yearly balance is less than 20000 euros
Q10. d. 92
Q11. b. pandas.get_dummies(data)
Q12. d. list and set
Q13. c. model.predict(test)
Q14. 71% to 90%
Disclaimer: These answers are provided only for the purpose to help students to take references. This website does not claim any surety of 100% correct answers. So, this website urges you to complete your assignment yourself.
Answer: b. There will always exist a MST for G. d. Assume two MST T1 and T2 for G. Then (wT1) = (wT2). (w (T) denotes the sum of weights of all edges in T).
Answer: b. There will always exist a MST for G.
d. Assume two MST T1 and T2 for G. Then (wT1) = (wT2). (w (T) denotes the sum of weights of all edges in T).
Consider a color image of size 2000 x 2000, where each pixel is stored in 24-bits (containing red, green and …
Answer: d. None of these.
Answer: d. None of these.
See lessWhich of the following statements correctly represents the term steganography? a. Encrypting information so that it will not be legible …
Answer: b. Hiding information within some cover media file.
Answer: b. Hiding information within some cover media file.
See lessQ1. The total number of missing values in the dataframe are: a. 8 b. 3 c. 0 d. 50
Answers: Q1. b. 3 Q2. c. 2 Q3. c. (5578,17) Q4. b. 41 Q5. b. 32 Q6. c. 4 & 2717 Q7. a. Yes 47% & No – 53% Q8. a. Across all ages, most of the client’s average yearly balance is less than 20000 euros Q9. b. 397 Q10. c. 78 Q11. b. pandas.get_dummies(data) Q12. d. list and set Q13. d. model.preRead more
Q1. b. 3
Q2. c. 2
Q3. c. (5578,17)
Q4. b. 41
Q5. b. 32
Q6. c. 4 & 2717
Q7. a. Yes 47% & No – 53%
Q8. a. Across all ages, most of the client’s average yearly balance is less than 20000 euros
Q9. b. 397
Q10. c. 78
Q11. b. pandas.get_dummies(data)
Q12. d. list and set
Q13. d. model.predict(test)
Q14. c. 71% to 85%
Q15. c. 61% to 80%
Disclaimer: These answers are provided only for the purpose to help students to take references. This website does not claim any surety of 100% correct answers. So, this website urges you to complete your assignment yourself.
See lessThe total number of missing values in the dataframe are: a. 8 b. 10 c. 0 d. 50
Answers: Q1. c. 0 Q2. a. 0 Q3. b. (5581,17) Q4. d. 41 Q5. a. 63 Q6. c. 24373 Q7. d. 12 & 1318 Q8. a. Yes- 47% & No- 53% Q9. c. Across all ages, most of the client’s average yearly balance is less than 20000 euros Q10. d. 92 Q11. b. pandas.get_dummies(data) Q12. d. list and set Q13. c. model.Read more
Q1. c. 0
Q2. a. 0
Q3. b. (5581,17)
Q4. d. 41
Q5. a. 63
Q6. c. 24373
Q7. d. 12 & 1318
Q8. a. Yes- 47% & No- 53%
Q9. c. Across all ages, most of the client’s average yearly balance is less than 20000 euros
Q10. d. 92
Q11. b. pandas.get_dummies(data)
Q12. d. list and set
Q13. c. model.predict(test)
Q14. 71% to 90%
Disclaimer: These answers are provided only for the purpose to help students to take references. This website does not claim any surety of 100% correct answers. So, this website urges you to complete your assignment yourself.
See lessConsider an undirected graph G (V, E) with non-negative edge weights. G is defined over set of vertices V and …
Answer: b. There will always exist a MST for G. d. Assume two MST T1 and T2 for G. Then (wT1) = (wT2). (w (T) denotes the sum of weights of all edges in T).
Answer: b. There will always exist a MST for G.
d. Assume two MST T1 and T2 for G. Then (wT1) = (wT2). (w (T) denotes the sum of weights of all edges in T).
See lessTwo messages M1 and M2 are fed to a hash function HASH to generate the hash values: H1 = HASH …
Answer: a. H1 = H2. Click Here to Get NPTEL Ethical Hacking Assignment 7 Answers
Answer: a. H1 = H2.
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