The diameter , Say X , of a electric cable , is assumed to be continuous random variable with p.d.f : f(x)= 6x(1-x) , 0<=x<=1. (1) Check that the above is a P.D.F. (2) Obtain an expression for the c. d. f. ...
SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
Draw a level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) that fits the following system: Students login with an email Id and password and the system provides access to the schedule for the current quarter. Students pick classes and enrol in them. Enrolments ...
Suppose your organization is planning to develop a travel application. Design a software requirement system for the given project.
Consider software for academic activities of a university. The project will cover activities like managing of students as well as faculty. Design a SRS document for the project.
Suppose, a group of 25 people are surveyed as to their beer-drinking preference. The categories were (1) Domestic can, (2) Domestic bottle, (3) Microbrew and (4) import. The raw data is 3 4 1 1 3 4 3 3 1 3 ...
Write a trigger to ensure that no employee of age less than 25 can be inserted in the database.