Q1. Elaborate the assessment which used to test the intelligence of a machine. Q2. How is Computer Vision and AI related?
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Q1. What is FOPL? What does FOPL consist of? Q2. Describe different Approaches To knowledge representation.
10 people are sitting in a room. If they want to communicate with each other, what will be the best transmission media to be used and why?
Question 1 5 Points AD0-AD7 lines are multiplexed and A8 to A15 are not multiplexed in 8085. State the reason. Question 2 5 Points 1. Create code snippet to a) load 00H to accumulator b) Decrement the accumulator c) Display the answer at 3004H
The diameter , Say X , of a electric cable , is assumed to be continuous random variable with p.d.f : f(x)= 6x(1-x) , 0<=x<=1. (1) Check that the above is a P.D.F. (2) Obtain an expression for the c. d. f. ...
Out of 800 families with 4 children each, how many families would be expected to have (1) two boys 2 girls (2) at least one boy (3) no girl (4) at most two girls ? Assume equal probabilities for boys and girls ?