The Correlation Coefficient between the two variables was found to be -0.90, which means: a. There is a weak correlation b. There is a very weak negative correlation c. There is a strong correlation d. There is a strong positive correlation
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For a regression line through the data, the vertical distance from each data point to the regression line is called residual. (i) Square the residual, and (ii) sum all of the squared errors together. This is the quantity that ordinary ...
The ‘variance inflation factor’ (VIF) can be used to identify this issue a. Homoscedasticity b. Multicollinearity c. Outlier d. Normality
In a simple linear regression problem, a single input variable (x) and a single output variable , the linear equation would be y = ax + b; where a and b are _______ and ________ ...
Write a Python class named Student with two attributes student_id, student_name. Add a new attribute student_class and display the entire attribute and their values of the said class. Now remove the student_name attribute and display the entire attribute with values Write ...
Write a Python Program to Perform Selection Sort.