If the address of A[1][1] and A[2][1] are 1000 and 1010 respectively and each element occupies 2 bytes then the array has been stored in _________ order. a. column major b. matix major c. row major d. none of the above
SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
Write a Signup servlet that enables the user to register a user from an HTML form, as shown in Figure below. Suppose the user information is stored in a database table named Account with three columns: email, password, and confirm ...
The 7-bit ASCII code for the character ‘G’ is: 1000111 An odd parity check bit is then included at the start of this code (the left-hand end) so that 8 bits are transmitted. What will be the transmitted code for ...
A character representing a digit, n, is stored as an 8-bit ASCII code. It needs to be converted into an 8 bit sign-magnitude representation for the negative numerical value, -n. What is the algorithm for doing this? Select one: a. ...
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