Which of the following algorithms is/are suitable for the below problem statement? Problem Statement: To classify the severity of the infection on covid-19 patients as critical/ not critical based on their comorbidity, habits, and some other demographics data. a. Linear Regression b. Logistics ...
SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
What is/are the key component(s) of Mobile Cloud Computing? a. Profiler b. Solver c. Synchronizer d. All of the above
Two messages M1 and M2 are fed to a hash function HASH to generate the hash values: H1 = HASH (M1) H2= HASH (M2) When do we say there is a collision? a. H1 = H2. b. M1 = M2. c. H1 = HASH (H2). d. None ...
Which statement is correct? a. An index or subscript in array is a positive integer b. An index or subscript in array is a positive or negative integer c. An index or subscript in array is a real number d. None of the above ...
Which of the following is correct statement to access 5th element in a array arr[] of size 50? a. arr[5] b. arr[4] c. arr{5} d. arr{4}
The famous AlphaGo program defeated one of the best Go players, Lee Sedol 4-1. What key algorithms did AlphaGo use? a. Alpha beta pruning b. Monte Carlo tree search c. Deep neural networks d. Breadth first Search