Which of the following may be used for password cracking? a. Dictionary attack. b. Social engineering attack. c. TCP SYN attack. d. DoS attack.
SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
Asked: February 25, 2022In: Other
Which of the following tools can be used for scanning vulnerabilities? a. Hypervisor b. Nessus c. Hydra d. Nmap
Asked: February 21, 2022In: Data Structure
What is the value of triples after the following assignment? triples = [ (x,y,z) for x in range(2,4) for y in range(2,5) for z in range(5,7) if 2*x*y > 3*z ]
Asked: February 21, 2022In: Data Structure
Consider the following Python function. def mystery(l,v): if len(l) == 0: return (v) else: return (mystery(l[:-1],l[-1]+v)) What does mystery([22,14,19,65,82,55],1) return?
Asked: February 19, 2022In: Other
What does Azure App Service plans define? a. Region b. Scale count c. Instance size d. All of the above
In the C program ‘&’ is used in ‘scanf’ to indicate or, What is & indicate in scanf? a. AND operation b. Memory location c. Value of the variable d. Value at the memory location.