Consider the following relations: Salesman salesman_id | name | city | commission ————-+————+———-+———— 5001 | James Hoog | New York | 0.15 5002 | Nail Knite | Paris | 0.13 5005 | Pit Alex | London | 0.11 5006 | Mc Lyon | Paris | 0.14 5007 | ...
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SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
Asked: November 6, 2021In: DBMS
Asked: November 6, 2021In: DBMS
Consider the following relations: Salesman salesman_id | name | city | commission ————-+————+———-+———— 5001 | James Hoog | New York | 0.15 5002 | Nail Knite | Paris | 0.13 5005 | Pit Alex | London | 0.11 5006 | Mc Lyon ...
Asked: November 6, 2021In: DBMS
Asked: November 5, 2021In: DBMS
Create Local procedure to calculate the simple interest by passing the values of principal, rate and time.