Create a package which contains function to ask the user to enter the student’s marks and determine the GRADE according to the following criteria. >90 A >80AND <90 B >70AND <80 C >60 AND<70 D <60 F
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SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
Advance Learner
Asked: November 22, 2021In: DBMS
Write a trigger to ensure that no employee of age less than 25 can be inserted in the database.
Asked: November 22, 2021In: DBMS
Given relation R (A,B,C,D) and the following FD’s. Identify the candidate key for R and highest normal form B->C, D->A
Asked: November 22, 2021In: DBMS
create a trigger to create a copy of deleted data from old table to new table (for backup purpose)
Aditya Yash
Asked: November 22, 2021In: DBMS
Translate an Entity set and Relationship set. List and explain the symbols used to draw ER Diagram.