A networking company uses a compression technique to encode the message before transmitting over the network. Suppose the message contains the following characters with their frequency: If the compression technique used is Huffman Coding, how many bits will be saved ...
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SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
Asked: October 11, 2022In: Computer Science
Solve using fractional knapsack: M=20, n=4 P= (3, 10, 15, 5) W= (5, 13, 12, 8).
peeush Raj
Asked: October 10, 2022In: Computer Science
Explain the naïve nature of single and multi- linear regression. (CO3)
peeush Raj
Asked: October 10, 2022In: Computer Science
Give a brief description on Naïve bay’s algorithm and outlines some scenarios where naïve bay’s is the best fit. (CO3)
peeush Raj
Asked: October 10, 2022In: Computer Science
Consider a modified k-NN method in which once the k nearest neighbours to the query point are identified, you do a linear regression fit on them and output the fitted value for the query point. Which of ...
peeush Raj
Asked: October 9, 2022In: Computer Science
scrutinize the support vector machines and its application domain.