Specify the contents of flag register for the following program:- MVIA,08H MVIC,09H SUBC CMPC HLT
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SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
Asked: March 16, 2022In: Microprocessor
Asked: March 16, 2022In: Microprocessor
Analyse and Write function and number of bytes present in the following instructions:- i) MVI A,05H ii) STA 3000H iii) DAD B iv) XCHG v) MOV C,M
Asked: March 16, 2022In: Microprocessor
Give names of at least 4 instructions that perform the logical operations with examples of operation.
Asked: March 16, 2022In: Microprocessor
Analyse and Write function and number of bytes present in the following instructions:- i) MVI A,05H ii) STA 3000H iii) DAD B iv) XCHG v) MOV C,M
Asked: March 16, 2022In: Microprocessor
Create a program to read data from input port 00H and logically AND with FF H and display the result at the output port.