Q1) Elaborate the usage of following registers in 8259 Interrupt Request Register (IRR) In-Service Register (ISR) Priority Resolver Interrupt Mask Register (IMR) Control Logic Section Q2) Write down the mode 0 control words of 8255 for the following two cases: (a) Port A = ...
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SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
Asked: April 3, 2022In: Microprocessor
Obtain the control word for the following configuration of the ports of 8255 A for mode 1 operation: Port A – as output port, Mode for Port A – mode 1 Port B – output port, Mode for Port B ...
Asked: April 1, 2022In: Microprocessor
AIM : a) Shift a 16 -bit number to left by1-bit b)Shift a 16-bit number to left by2-bits.
Asked: April 1, 2022In: Microprocessor
AIM: a)Shift left 8-bit number by 1 bit. b) Program to Shift Left 8-bit Number by 2 Bit
priya bharti
Asked: April 1, 2022In: Microprocessor
Elaborate how interrupts are handled by 8259 and how priorities are assigned..
Elaborate the usage of IOR EOP AEN DREQ HRQ.