The value of CWR for BSR MODE for setting PC4 is 02 03 09 04
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SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
Asked: March 31, 2022In: Microprocessor
Elaborate the functioning of following bits of Control Word register of 8255 in IO mode: D0 D1 D2 D3 D4
Asked: March 31, 2022In: Microprocessor
Make control word when the ports of 8255A are to be used in mode 0 with all the ports as Input port
Asked: March 31, 2022In: Microprocessor
Comment on the direction of the port for the following CWR values in 8255 80H 8A H 8B H 92H 98 H
Asked: March 31, 2022In: Microprocessor
The 8255 operates in 2 modes,Answer the following wrt 8255 modes Which bit of control word register is responsible for mode selection Role of D5 and D6 of CWR Value of CWR for setting PC3 Value o fD3,D2,D1 to select PC4 Value o fD3,D2,D1 to ...
Asked: March 31, 2022In: Microprocessor
Write down the mode 0 control words of 8255 for the following two cases: (a) Port A = Input port, Port B = not used, Port CU = Input port and Port CL = Output port. (b) Port A = Output port, ...