What is a set of instructions used to perform some tasks?
Home/Programming Language/C language
SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
Asked: January 20, 2023In: C language
Functions can return enumeration constants in C? a. true b. false c. depends on the compiler d. depends on the standard
The main objective of this lab activity is to help students to write simple C programs. Part A: a sample pseudocode, flowchart and a C program [6 marks] Exercise 1: Write a pseudocode or draw a flowchart to print the following ...
Asked: June 4, 2022In: C language
Write a C program to print a multiplication table of the numbers from 1 to 10 using function.
Asked: June 4, 2022In: C language
Write a function to print a table of the numbers from 1 to 10, their squares, and their cubes in C Language.
How do you program a simple calculator in C?