Interpolation is a process for a. extracting feasible data set from a given set of data b. finding a value between two points on a line or curve c. removing unnecessary points from a curve d. all of the mentioned
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SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
Asked: April 12, 2022In: C++
What’s printed by the following code fragment? set<int> s; s.insert(100); s.insert(25); for(auto e : s) cout << e
Which one of the following SQL type represent getfloat()? a. FLOAT b. REAL c. INTEGER d. DOUBLE
Which of the following is not a JDBC drivers? a. Native – API driver b. Thin driver c. Network protocol driver d. Local Protocol driver
How to check for the leap year? a. calendar.leap(year) b. calendar.is_leap(year) c. calendar.isleap(year) d. calendar.checkleap(year)
How to start a thread in java?