How to Swap Two Numbers in C without Using Third Variable. Follow these 3 methods : Write C program to swap two numbers using + and – operators. * and / operators. XOR operator. Test Case: a=10 and ...
SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
Functions can return enumeration constants in C? a. true b. false c. depends on the compiler d. depends on the standard
Which of the following is NOT a container adapter? stack queue deque priority-queue
Which of the following is a user-defined data type in c language? (a) typedef int Boolean; (b) typedef enum {Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri} Workdays; (c) struct {char name[10], int age}; (d) all of the mentioned
Create a student class object array of size four having attributes name, designation and salary. Let the student class have appropriate getter/setters methods for accessing these attributes. Initialize these attributes through the setter methods. Store this object into a file ...
Create a class called ‘Matrix’ containing a constructor that initializes the number of rows and number of columns of a new Matrix object. The Matrix class has the following information: 1.number of rows of matrix 2 number of columns of ...