Create and develop the following programs :- 1 Python Program to check whether a given number is a palindrome. 2 Python Program to check Whether entered number is Armstrong or Not? 3 Python Program to Take three numbers from the ...
SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
In the C program ‘&’ is used in ‘scanf’ to indicate or, What is & indicate in scanf? a. AND operation b. Memory location c. Value of the variable d. Value at the memory location.
Write a python program to print Multiplication tables from 2 to 20 whether table values entered by user using Simple Function , Parameterized Function , Return Type with function and return type with parameterized Functions
Write a python program to calculate area of 10 different circles. Given the pie = 22/7 and radius of the circles entered by user using Simple Function , Parameterized Function , Return Type with function and return type with parameterized ...
Python Program to Take three numbers from the user and print the greatest number. Or/ Write a program to find greatest of three numbers in python.
Python Program to check Whether entered number is Armstrong or Not?