Write an interface called Playable, with a method void play(); Let this interface be placed in a package called music. Write a class called Veena which implements Playable interface. Let this class be placed in a package music.string Write a class called Saxophone which ...
SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
Dynamic programming is used to solve
A integer array is given as input. find the difference between each element. Return the index of the largest element which has the largest difference gap. input: {2,3,4,2,3} logic: 2-3=1,3-4=1,4-2=2,2-3=1 2 is the max diff between 4 and 2,return the index of 4(2) output:2
Create a class called Person with a member variable name. Save it in a file called Person.java Create a class called Employee who will inherit the Person class. The other data members of the employee class are annual salary (double), the ...
ABC International School wants to computerize students details. The school maintains a database of students in Oracle. The student table contains information related to students and is shown in the following student table structure. Column Name Type Constraint Rollno Number (4) Primary Key StudentName ...