A contractor orders, say, 30 cubic yards of premixed concrete to construct a patio that is to be, say, four inches thick. The length of the patio is to be, say, twice the width. Write a program that prompts the user ...
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SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
Asked: June 1, 2022In: C++
Write a C++ function, smallestIndex, that takes as parameters an int array and its size and returns the index of the first occurrence of the smallest element in the array. To test your function, write a main that prompts a ...
How do you program a simple calculator in C?
manik verma
Asked: May 20, 2022In: Python
Write a python program using return type with function to input a number and check if the number is prime or composite number using nested if-else loop.
Asked: May 19, 2022In: Python
Python program to capitalize the character without using a function
1. Write a Python program to generate 26 text files named A.txt, B.txt, and so on up to Z.txt 2. Write a Python program to create a file where all letters of English alphabet are listed by specified number of ...