A Machine produced 16 defective articles in a batch of 500. After over hauling it produced 3 defectives in a batch of 100. Has the machine improved?
SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
A certain cubical dice was thrown 9000 times and 5 or 6 was obtained 3240 times. On the assumption of certain throwing , do the data indicate an unbiased dice.Test the null hypothesis is accepted or not?
Write initialisation instructions for the 8255A to set up: PORT A as an output port in Mode 0 PORT B as an output port in Mode 1 for interrupt I/O PORT C (Upper) as an output port in Mode 0.
Write initialisation instructions for the 8255A to set up: PORT A as an output port in Mode 0 PORT B as an output port in Mode 1 for interrupt I/O PORT C (Upper) as an output port in Mode 0.
If the transmitted hamming code is 0110111and received hamming code is 0110101 than explain the method for error detection and error correction.
Describe the main parameters that you should use when computing the costs of a software development project?