Suppose a cloud guarantees service availability for 97% of time. Let a third party application runs in the cloud for 10 hours/day. At the end of one month, it was found that total outage is 8 hrs. a. SLA has violated ...
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Which of the following is a formal contract between a Service Provider (SP) and a Service Consumer (SC)? a. SLA (Service level agreement) b. SLO (Service level objectives) c. Both d. None
What will be the output? #include<stdio.h> int main() { if((0&&1)||(1&&-1)) printf(“Condition is true.”); else printf(“Condition is false.”); return 0; } a. Condition is true b. Condition is false c. Compilation Error d. No output possible
Continue statement used a. To continue to the next line of code b. To debug c. To stop the current iteration and begin the next iteration from the beginning d. None of the above statements are correct
Which of the following may be used for password cracking? a. Dictionary attack. b. Social engineering attack. c. TCP SYN attack. d. DoS attack.
Which of the following tools can be used for scanning vulnerabilities? a. Hypervisor b. Nessus c. Hydra d. Nmap