Given reference, useful methods for accessing Java class ArrayList:
add (elt): Add element to the end of the list, e.g. arrList.add (elt)
get (index): Get an element (with index) in list,e.g. arrList.get (0)
size(): Size (total number of elements) of the list, e.g. arrList.size()
Based on the given references above and the class City in the last question, define a new Java class BCity for modeling “Better” Cities with the following requirements.
a) This BCity class is a public subclass of the given class City
- This class has a specific instance field named bRList (type ArrayList of string) representing the list of better rules (of string type) governing the better city.
- This field is initialized with an empty ArrayList of string.
b) It has one constructor with 3 parameters (String CN, int CP, String[] rules):
- The first and second parameters are for the name and population of the city object, while the third parameter is for the rules.
- The body of this constructor first calls the corresponding constructor of its superclass with the two related input parameters.
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