How software quality is assured through software metrics? Also highlight the concept of object oriented metrics.
How software quality is assured through software metrics? Also highlight the concept of object oriented metrics.
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Advantages of software metrics for assuring software quality:
Productivity: One of the most valuable aspects of an app is fast data processing. The less time it spends on performing the tasks, the better. Some metrics help to increase and track the project’s productivity and solve urgent issues.
Decision making: Such metrics can come in handy when estimating the influence of the decisions made. PMs and CEOs can sort out objectives, priorities, and avoid impulsive resolutions. It helps them to make deliberate compromises, optimize the project, and achieve the goals of software quality assurance.
Data sorting: You can use metrics to reduce misunderstandings and ambiguities in complex projects. Through the software organization, you will get objective information.
Priorities: With metrics, managers will no longer have difficulties while tracking, identifying, or prioritizing the project’s issues. They can communicate at all the organization’s levels.
Progress management: Is the project meeting the schedule? Is everything going well? It is important to control the work’s progress and result, and always have answers to these questions. Such metrics show the software product’s status as well as its quality and changes it in.
Management strategy: There are some risks that you have to instantly estimate, control, and prioritize. Metrics help to manage such issues and avoid future costly solutions. They determine errors and correct technical parts of the project as well as facilitate management strategies.
Object-oriented development including the following: