Write a program to insert values in a table at run time using JDBC.
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Given an array int a[]. Add the sum at even indexes.do the same with odd indexes. if both the sum is equal return 1 or return -1.
Given integer array input :int[] arr={2,3,5,4,1,6,7,7,9}; Remove the duplicate elements and print sum of even numbers in the array.. print -1 if arr contains only odd numbers
Create a package which contains function to ask the user to enter the student’s marks and determine the GRADE according to the following criteria. >90 A >80AND 70AND 60 AND<70 D <60 F
Create a package which contains function to ask the user to enter the student’s marks and determine the GRADE according to the following criteria. >90 A >80AND <90 B >70AND <80 C >60 AND<70 D <60 F
Create a trigger which will work before deletion in employee table and print a message “Deletion started”