Draw the stack structure in each case when the following operations are performed on an empty stack. (a) Add A, B, C, D, E, F (b) Delete two letters (c) Add G (d) Add H (e) Delete four letters (f) ...
SIKSHAPATH Latest Questions
Write a top-level program for creating a GRAPH instance and running both Prim’s and Kruskal’s algorithms on it, and printing out the respective MSTs returned, along with the total cost and runtime (in milliseconds) for each one. The input to ...
Using Stack, convert the given in-fix expression into post-fix notation. ((x-y)*z) / (x-(y/z)) – (v??/?? – ??) Evaluate post-fix notation if x=16, y=4, z=1. Note: Display all algorithmic steps sequence wise
create an employee object having properties name, date of birth, department, designation and salary. let the employee class have appropriate getter/setters methods for accessing these properties. initialize these properties through the setter methods. store this object into a file “outobject.txt”. ...
Q.Write a program to convert the expression “a+b” into “ab+”.