Analyse the instructions below and comment on Addressing mode: MOV CX, AX MOV AX, [1592H] ADD CX, [AX+SI] MOV BX, [SI+16] ADD BX, AX
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Asked: May 2, 2022In: Microprocessor
Find the effective and physical address when the microprocessor executes the following instructions: (i) MOV AL,[2000H] (ii) MOV AX,[SI] If SI =2000H and DS=1000H
Asked: May 1, 2022In: Microprocessor
Describe the functionof the following pins and their use in 8086 based system. (i)NMI (ii) LOCK(iii) TEST (iv) RESET.
Find the smaller out of two numbers. Find the larger out of two numbers. Write a program for 8085.
Asked: April 29, 2022In: Microprocessor
Analyse the instructions below and comment on Addressing mode: MOV CX, AX MOV AX, [1592H] ADD CX, [AX+SI] MOV BX, [SI+16] ADD BX, AX
Asked: April 29, 2022In: Microprocessor
State the significance of LOCK signal in 8086. In which mode this signal is used? Explain the operation of 8086 in that mode.