MOV is a mnemonic, which stands for “MOVe”. In this instruction 8-bit data value in register r2 will be moved to the 8-bit register r1.
b.MVI, 05H:
MVI is a mnemonic, which actually means “Move Immediate”. With this instruction,we can load a register with an 8-bitsor 1-Bytevalue.
immediate addressing mode
c.LHLD, 3000H:
absolute addressing mode
LHLD is a mnemonic that stands for Load HL pair using Direct addressing from memory location whose 16-bit address is denoted as a16.
d. XCHG:
implied addressing mode
XCHG, which stands for eXCHanGe. This is an instruction to exchange contents of HL register pair with DE register pair.
e. CMP B:
implicit addressing mode
This instruction is used to compare contents of the Accumulator with given register R. The result of compare operation will be stored in the Temp register.
a.MOV A, B:
b.MVI, 05H:
c.LHLD, 3000H:
d. XCHG:
e. CMP B: