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NPTEL Introduction to Machine Learning Assignment Answers Week 3 2022 IITKGP

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Are you looking for help in Machine Learning NPTEL Week 3 Assignment Answers? So, here in this article, we have provided Machine Learning week 3 Assignment Answer’s hint.

NPTEL Introduction to Machine Learning Assignment Answers Week 3

Q1. Suppose, you have given the following data where x and y are the 2 input variables and Class is the dependent variable.


Suppose, you want to predict the class of new data point x=1 and y=1 using euclidean distance in 3-NN. To which class the new data point belongs to?

a. + Class
b. – Class
c. Can’t say
d. None of these

Answer: a. + Class

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Q2. Imagine you are dealing with a 10 class classification problem. What is the maximum number of discriminant vectors that can be produced by LDA?

a. 20

b. 14

c. 9

d. 10

Answer: c. 9

Q3. Fill in the blanks:

K-Nearest Neighbor is a ________,_______ algorithm.

a. Non-parametric, eager

b. Parametric, eager

c. Non-parametric, lazy

d. Parametric, lazy

Answer: c. Non-parametric, lazy

Q4. Which of the following statements is True about the KNN algorithm?

a. KNN algorithm does more computation on test time rather than train time.

b. KNN algorithm does lesser computation on test time rather than train time.

c. KNN algorithm does an equal amount of computation on test time and train time.

d. None of these.

Answer: a. KNN algorithm does more computation on test time rather than train time.

Q5. Which of the following necessitates feature reduction in machine learning?

a. Irrelevant and redundant features

b. Curse of dimensionality

c. Limited computational resources.

d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

Q6. When there is noise in data, which of the following options would improve the performance of the KNN algorithm?

a. Increase the value of k

b. Decrease the value of k

c. Changing value of k will not change the effect of the noise

d. None of these

Answer: a. Increase the value of k

Q7. Find the value of the Pearson’s correlation coefficient of X and Y from the data in the following table.


a. 0.47

b. 0.68

c. 1

d.  0.33

Answer: b. 0.68

Q8. Which of the following is false about PCA?

a. PCA is a supervised method

b. It identifies the directions that data have the largest variance

c. Maximum number of principal components <= number of features

d. All principal components are orthogonal to each other

Answer: a. PCA is a supervised method

Q9. In user-based collaborative filtering based recommendation, the items are recommended based on :

a. Similar users

b. Similar items

c. Both of the above

d. None of the above

Answer : a. Similar users

Q10. Identify whether the following statement is true or false? “PCA can be used for projecting and visualizing data in lower dimensions.”



Answer: a. TRUE

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Disclaimer: These answers are provided only for the purpose to help students to take references. This website does not claim any surety of 100% correct answers. So, this website urges you to complete your assignment yourself.

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