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Computer Networks and Internet Protocol NPTEL Week 7 Assignment Solution 2022

Are you looking for help in computer networks and internet protocol nptel week 7 assignment solution? If yes, then check out all the answers hint provided below.

Computer Networks and Internet Protocol NPTEL Week 7 Assignment Solution

Q1. Which of the following is transmission delay?

a. Amount of time to push all the packet bits in the network
b. Amount of time to transfer 1 bit from one end of the link to the other end of the link
c. Delay in the interface buffer
d. None

Answer: a. Amount of time to push all the packet bits in the network

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Q2. Based on QoS requirements, video conferencing comes under which class of application?

a. constant bit rate

b. Real-time variable bit rate

c. Non-real-time variable bit rate

d. Available bit rate or best-effort

Answer: b. Real-time variable bit rate

Q3. File transfer require non-real-time variable bitrate?

a. True

b. False

Answer: b. False

Q4. What is the role of “Scheduling” in the basic QoS architecture?

a. It regulates the outgoing traffic rate to control jitter.

b. Maintains queue and prioritizes packets into the outgoing buffer as per policy.

c. It marks packets according to their service type.

d. Detects which packets violate the QoS, and drops them.

Answer: b. Maintains queue and prioritizes packets into the outgoing buffer as per policy.

Q5. Which of the following is true for admission control?

a. It ensures that new flows are entered in the network only if QoS of all the existing flows along with the new flows can be satisfied

b. It ensures data delivery as fast as it’s created by the sender

c. It ensures that a sender is not overwhelming a receiver by sending packets faster than it can consume.

d. It ensures packet overflow.

Answer: a. It ensures that new flows are entered in the network only if QoS of all the existing flows along with the new flows can be satisfied

Q6. In the leaky bucket algorithm for traffic policing, consider a bucket of size 10, having a leak rate of 5 per second. Given the arrival rate in the following table, how many packets will be dropped?

a. 1

b. 3

c. 5

d. 7

Answer: c. 5

Q7. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. TCP is Inelastic Traffic and therefore not preferred for real-time video streaming.

b. TCP is Elastic Traffic and therefore preferred for real-time video streaming.

c. UDP is Elastic Traffic and therefore preferred for real-time video streaming.

d. UDP is Inelastic Traffic and therefore preferred for real-time video streaming.

Answer: d. UDP is Inelastic Traffic and therefore preferred for real-time video streaming.

Q8. Which of the following is true for Traffic policing

a. It is a mechanism that monitors the traffic in any network.

b. It is a congestion control mechanism that brings delays in packets.

c. It buffers the packets with rates that are greater than the traffic shaping rate.

d. It causes delay

Answer: a. It is a mechanism that monitors the traffic in any network.

Q9. Consider the token bucket algorithm, with token arrival rate= packet arrival rate = r per second. Bucket size is b. What is the maximum burst size (MBS) and the output rate?

a. rb and r+b

b. No burst and rb

c. No burst and r

d. r + b and rb

Answer: a. rb and r+b

Q10. Which of the following statements about Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) is FALSE?

a. RSVP is difficult to implement on the internet because it requires coordination among intermediate routers.

b. All the RSVP daemons in all the intermediate routers in an end-to-end path need to coordinate with each other.

c. RSVP uses differentiated services fields in the IP header for traffic classification.

d. RSVP is a protocol of the Integrated Service (IntServ) QoS architecture.

Answer: c. RSVP uses differentiated services fields in the IP header for traffic classification..

Disclaimer: These answers are provided only for the purpose to help students to take references. This website does not claim any surety of 100% correct answers. So, this website urges you to complete your assignment yourself.

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