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NPTEL An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Week 1 Assignment Answers 2023

Students, I have recently completed the week 1 assignment of NPTEL An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence course. The assignment consisted of multiple-choice questions that covered a wide range of topics related to AI.

I am happy to share that I have provided all the answers to the assignment questions in this blog post for the benefit of other students who may find it helpful. I hope it will help them to understand the subject better.

NPTEL An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Week 1 Assignment Answers

Q1. Which computer system beat Gary Kasparov in a chess game in 1997?

Answer: c. Deep Blue

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Q2. Which of the following was a major achievement of the computer EQP in 1996?

Answer: a. Proved a mathematical theorem

Q3. Which of the following is NOT the reason for the recent takeoff of Deep learning?

a. It can be used to model all real-world problems
b. Increased computational power with the advent of GPUs
c. Numerical optimizations and algorithmic efficiency
d. Access to a lot more labeled data

Answer: a. It can be used to model all real-world problems

Q4. The Turing test considers which of the following trait as evidence of machine intelligence.

Answer: a. Acting humanly

Q5. The DARPA Urban Challenge was a competition involving building AI agents for

Answer: c. Self-driving cars

Q6. Which of the following actions is a rational agent expected to prioritize?

Answer: b. Action which leads to the greatest reward

Q7. Which statements among the following statements is/are true for AlphaGo?

Answer: a. It was developed by researchers at DeepMind

Q8. Which of the following is a perceptual task?

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Q9. Which of the following are shortcomings of Logic-based AI systems that led to probability-based AI systems?

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Q10. Choose All correct statements about knowledge-based strong AI systems

Answer: b. Knowledge about some specific domain is provided to such systems

c. The goal of such systems is to achieve human-level performance on one specific task

Disclaimer: It must be noted that the answers provided here are intended solely as a reference for students. The accuracy of these answers cannot be guaranteed, and it is advised that students complete their assignments independently.

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