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NPTEL Joy of Computing Using Python Assignment Answers Week 1 2023

The Joy of Computing Using Python NPTEL Assignment Answers Week 1

Attention all students, the NPTEL 2023 course offerings have officially begun, and as many of you have requested, this article aims to provide assistance with the Joy of Computing using Python assignments.

Use these answers as a guide and inspiration to complete your own assignments.

We understand that navigating through the coursework can be challenging, and we hope that this resource will aid in your understanding and success in the Joy of Computing using Python course. Good luck and happy learning!”

NPTEL Joy of Computing Using Python NPTEL Assignment Answers Week 1

1. Which of the following is/are control commands in Scratch?

Answer: a. repeat

b. repeat until

c. forever

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2. Which option in scratch is used to wait between the commands:

Answer: c. Control

3. ___________ command is used to make the sprite walk by certain steps.

Answer: c. Move

4. The command used to make the sprite disappear from the animation stage is _____________.

Answer: b. Hide

5. What is the extension of a scratch file?

Answer: c. Sb

6. Predict the output of the following:

Answer: d. None of the above

7. Which of the following is a facility provided by scratch to use sound effects?

Answer: e. All of the above are correct (except 4).

8. In addition to an option of using the inbuilt sprite library in scratch, what are the other ways to use a sprite?

Answer: d. All of the above

9. __________ scratch constructs are used to keep doing a set of instructions infinitely?

Answer: b. forever

10. Which of the following commands would make the sprite move backward?

Answer: b. Move -10 steps

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Disclaimer: As you dive into your coursework, it’s crucial to keep in mind that the answers provided here serve as a helpful reference point. While we at Sikshapath strive to ensure accuracy, we can’t guarantee that all answers are 100% correct. It’s up to you, the student, to take ownership of your education and complete your assignments to the best of your abilities. We at this website believe that true understanding comes from working through problems and critical thinking on your own and that’s why we strongly encourage you to do so.

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