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Are you looking for help in the Joy of Computing using Python NPTEL week 6 Assignment Answers? So, here in this article, we have provided the Joy of Computing using Python week 6 Assignment Answer’s hint.
NPTEL The Joy of Computing using Python Assignment Answers Week 6
Q1. In the list L = [4,6,7,4,6,2,1], What is the index of element ‘7’?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
Answer: c. 2
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Q2. Which of the following is true about recursion?
a. Recursion always performs better than non-recursive code.
b. Recursive code is easier to debug
c. The base case is necessary for recursion.
d. Recursive code can be shorter than non-recursive code.
Answer: Option B, C and D.
Q3. What will be the output of the following program?
s = 'AbrakaDabra'
a. No output
b. braKa
c. Abra
d. rak
Answer: b. braKa
Q4. What will be the output of the following program?
def recursive(a):
if a == 0:
return 0
return a+recursive(a−1)
a. Sum of first 10 natural numbers.
b. Sum of first 9 natural numbers.
c. The program will never end.
d. Sum of numbers from 2-10(Both inclusive).
Answer: a. Sum of first 10 natural numbers.
Q5. What’s the correct code for Binary search?
a. def Binary(L, find, start, end):
mid = int((start+end)/2)
if(start < end):
if(L[end] == find):
return end
return -100
if(L[mid] == find): return mid
elif(find > L[mid]):
return Binary(L, find, mid + 1, end)
return Binary(L, find, start, mid-1)
b. def Binary(L, find, start, end):
mid = int((start+end)/2)
if(start == end):
if(L[end] == find):
return end
return -100
if(L[mid] == find):
return mid
elif(find > L[mid]):
return Binary(L, find, start, mid 1)
return Binary(L, find, mid + 1, end)
c. def Binary(L, find, start, end):
mid = int((start+end)/2)
if(start == end):
if(L[end] == find):
return end
return -100
if(L[mid] == find): return mid
elif(find > L[mid]):
return Binary(L, find, mid + 1, end)
return Binary(L, find, start, mid-1)
d. def Binary(L, find, start, end):
mid = int((start+end)/2)
if(start >= end):
if(L[end] == find):
return end
return -100
if(L[mid] != find):
return mid
elif(find > L[mid]):
return Binary(L, find, mid + 1, end)
return Binary(L, find, start, mid-1)
Answer: Option C.
Q6. Which of the following can be used to see the dimension of a NumPy array named ‘arr’?
a. dim(arr)
b. shape(arr)
c. arr.shape
d. arr.shape()
Answer: c. arr.shape
Q7. If PYTHON is encoded by TCXLSR then DIAMOND will be encoded as?
Answer: d. HMEQSRH
Q8. Select the correct statement
i. print(‘9a’.isalnum()) will return True.
ii. ‘9a’ contains both alphabetic and numeric parts.
a. Option 1 is correct, option 2 is correct. Option 2 is the correct explanation for option 1.
b. Option 1 is correct, option 2 is incorrect.
c. Option 1 is correct, option 2 is correct. Option 2 is not the correct explanation for option 1.
d. Option 1 is incorrect, option 2 is incorrect.
Answer: a. Option 1 is correct, option 2 is correct. Option 2 is the correct explanation for option 1.
Q9. What will be the output of the following program?
s = 'Fusce id odio leo In quis laoreet nulla'
d = {}
for i in s:
a. A dictionary with the count of each character in s.
b. A dictionary with the count of each special character in s.
c. A dictionary with the count of letters in s.
d. Error
Answer: d. Error
Q10. Let L be a list containing different names of movies. Which statement is correct to select a random movie name from that list L?
a. random.choices(L)
b. random.select(L)
c. random.movie(L)
d. random.random(L)
Answer: a. random.choices(L)
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