Are you waiting for probable answers to the week 4 assignment on NPTEL’s cloud computing?
If so, this article can help you with all 10 questions in the assignment. Take these answers as a reference and solve all 10 questions now.
NPTEL Cloud Computing Week 4 Assignment Answers
Q1. Azure app service plans define:
Answer: A. Instance size
C. Region
D. Scale count
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Q2. In Azure, app service supports local Git to deploy content to a web app.
Answer: A. TRUE
Q3. Which of the following statement(s) is/are FALSE for Microsoft Azure Resource Group?
Answer: C. It is a physical container
Q4. Identify the correct statement(s) on Google App Engine.
Answer: B. It is a Platform as a Service (PaaS) component of GCP
D. It is a part of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) “compute” infrastructure
Q5. Google Cloud Datastore provides flexible object storage with global edge caching.
Answer: B. FALSE
Q6. Statement 1: In Microsoft Azure, a deployment user is required for FTP and local Git deployment to a web app.
Statement 2: When deploying the Azure app remotely, the login password of the Azure account needs to be entered when the system asks for password.
Answer: C. Both are True
Q7. Match the following columns:
Column I | Column II |
A. GoogleAppEngine | 1. Integrates Google’s services into end users’ application |
B. GoogleCloudEndpoints | 2. Helps end users’ application scalability |
C. GoogleAPI | 3. Helps to migrate web application to Google Cloud Platform |
Answer: B. A-3, B-2, C-1
Q8.While developing a web-app using Google App Engine, the development server should not be kept running when changes are made to the source file.
Answer: B. FALSE
Q9. Identify the correct statement(s) on OpenStack storage concepts:
Answer: A. Ephemeral storage is managed by Nova
B. Block storage is accessible from within VM as a local file system
C. Both Block storage and Object storage persist until specifically deleted by the user.
Q10. Which of the following is/are storage service(s) provided by Google Cloud Platform (GCP)?
Answer: B. Cloud SQL
C. Cloud Datastore
Disclaimer: These answers are provided only for the purpose to help students to take references. This website does not claim any surety of 100% correct answers. So, this website urges you to complete your assignment yourself.
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