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NPTEL Software Testing Assignment 5 Answers 2022

Hundreds of students demanded the reference answers to the NPTEL software testing assignment 5. In response to their demand, I have uploaded answers to this assignment here. To get the reference answer, connect with us on telegram.

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NPTEL Software Testing Assignment 5 Answers

Q1. State true or false: GACC subsumes predicate coverage.

a. True.
b. False

Answer: b. False

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Q2. When we test to check if a particular clause does not determine a predicate, which kind of coverage criteria are we considering?

a. Active coverage criteria.

b. Inactive coverage criteria

Answer: b. Inactive coverage criteria

Q3. Which of the following represents a correct order of subsumption amongst logic coverage criteria? In the options below, read → as ‘subsumes’.

a. Correlated active clause coverage → Predicate coverage → Clause coverage.

b. Combinatorial coverage → Predicate coverage → Clause coverage.

c. Combinatorial coverage → Correlated active clause coverage → Predicate coverage.

d. General active clause coverage → Correlated active clause coverage → Clause coverage.

Answer: c. Combinatorial coverage → Correlated active clause coverage → Predicate coverage.

Consider the logical predicate p=a∨(b∧c)p=a∨(b∧c). Truth table for the predicate is given below with rows numbered from 1 to 8. T represents the Boolean value true and F represents the Boolean value false.

Answer the following questions with reference to logical coverage criteria for this predicate and the given truth table.

Q4. Which of the following represents pa, the conditions under which clause aa determines p?

A. b ∧ c.

B. b ∨ c.

C. ¬b ∨ ¬c.

D. ¬b ∧ ¬c.

Answer: C. ¬b ∨ ¬c.

Q5. Which of the following represents pb, the conditions under which clause b determines p?

A. a ∧ c

B. a ∨ c

C. ¬a ∧ c

D. ¬a ∨ ¬c

Answer: C. ¬a ∧ c

Q6. Which of the following represents pc, the conditions under which clause c determines p?

a. ¬a ∧ b

b. ¬a ∨ b

Answer: a. ¬a ∧ b

Q7. Which of the following represents GACC pairs for clause a? Note: Numbers below represent row numbers from the truth table.

a. {2,3,4}×{6,7,8}

b. {1,3,4}×{5,6,7}

Answer: a. {2,3,4}×{6,7,8}

Q8. State true or false: GACC pairs for clauses b and c are the same.

a. True

b. False

Answer: b. False

Q9. The set {(2,6),(3,7),(4,8)} is the set of RACC pairs for which clause?

a.  Clause a

b. Clause b

Answer: a.  Clause a

Q10. State true or false: CACC pairs for clauses a, b and c are different from GACC pairs for these clauses.

a. True

b. False

Answer: b. False

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Disclaimer: These answers are provided only for the purpose to help students to take references. This website does not claim any surety of 100% correct answers. So, this website urges you to complete your assignment yourself.

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