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NPTEL Software Testing Assignment 8 Answers 2022

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Dear Students, It’s the time to connect with us and improve your marks in the NPTEL week 8th assignment of software testing . Here, in this post, I shall provide you hint of answers to this assignment before the deadline.

NPTEL Software Testing Assignment 8 Answers

Q1. Consider the regular expression (a+b)⋅(a+b)∗ over the alphabet Σ={a,b}. Which of the following options represents a list of words generated by this regular expression?

A. a b , a , a a b . B. a b a b , b a b a b . C. a a a , b b b .

D. All of the above.

Answer: D. All of the above.

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Q2. For the same regular expression (a+b)⋅(a+b)∗ , which of the following options represents the language corresponding to the regular expression?

a. The language is the set of all words over a and b that have at least one a and at least one b in them.

b. The language is the set of all words over a and b that have at least one a or at least one b in them.

Answer: b. The language is the set of all words over a and b that have at least one a or at least one b in them.

Q3. While parsing a program to extract syntactic information, which of the following defines how characters form tokens?

a. Regular expressions.

b. Context-free grammars.

c. Context-sensitive grammars.

d. The normal form of the grammar.

Answer: a. Regular expressions.

Q4. Consider the context-free grammar given by G=(N,T,P,S) where N={S,X},T={a,b},P={S→aXb,X→ab}. Which of the following is the language generated by this grammar?

a. The language generated by G is {w|w=aabb}.

b. The language generated by G is {w|w is of the form anbn,n≥1}

Answer: a. The language generated by G is {w|w=aabb}.

Q5. State yes or no: Is the ground string in mutation testing the same as the program under test?

a. Yes

b. No.

Answer: a. Yes

Q6. Which of the following is a mutant that can be killed by any test case?

a. Dead mutant.

b. Equivalent mutant.

c. Trivial mutant.

d. Idempotent mutant.

Answer: c. Trivial mutant.

Q7. Suppose a decision statement like if (x < 0 && z == 5) is mutated to get if (x > 0 && z == 5) then it is an example of which kind of mutation operator?

a. Replacing a logical operator.

b. Replacing a relational operator.

c. Replacing a decision statement.

d. Replacing a condition statement.

Answer: b. Replacing a relational operator.

Q8. As per the lectures, replacing a particular assignment statement with a statement like failOnZero() is an example of a mutation operator applied at which of the levels in testing?

a. Program level.

b. Integration level.

c. Statement level.

d. De-bugging level.

Answer: a. Program level.

Q9. A programmer decides to save time and apply two or three mutation operators together to increase the chances of finding many errors together. Is this considered to be a useful strategy in mutation testing?

a.  Yes, it will find many errors early.

b. No, mutation operators work best when applied one at a time.

Answer: b. No, mutation operators work best when applied one at a time.

Q10. State true or false: Mutation testing can be used to show that a program behaves identically when a particular operation is replaced or removed.

a. True

b. False

Answer: a. True

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Disclaimer: These answers are provided only for the purpose to help students to take references. This website does not claim any surety of 100% correct answers. So, this website urges you to complete your assignment yourself.

Also Available:

NPTEL Software Testing Assignment 7 Answers

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