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NPTEL The Joy of Computing using Python Assignment Answers Week 8 2022

Dear students, are you looking for your marks improvement in the Joy of Computing using Python NPTEL week 8 assignment? So, after spending my precious time in this assignment, I have solved all 10 questions and provided those answers below in this post.

The Joy of Computing Using Python NPTEL Assignment Answers Sikshapath

NPTEL The Joy of Computing using Python Assignment Answers Week 8

Q1. Which of the following q43 the correct representation of tuples?

a. [1,2,3,4]

b. (1,2,3,4)
c. ((1), (2), (3), (4))
d. [[1], [2], [3], [4]]

Answer: Option B and C.

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Q2. Why gambling is not recommended?

a. Because you lose every time.

b. Because you win every time.

c. Because the loss amount is greater than the winning amount over time.

d. Because the winning amount is greater than the loss amount over time.

Answer: c. Because the loss amount is greater than the winning amount over time.

Q3. Which of the following programs will print the exact same word?

A. word = 'nptel'2
   new = ''
   for i in word:
   j = ord(i)
   k = (((j+26) − 97) % 26) + 97
   new = new+chr(k)

B. word = 'nptel'
   new = '' 
   for i in word: 
   j = ord(i)
   k = (((j+26)) % 26)
   new = new+chr(k)

C. word = 'nptel'
   new = ''
   for i in word:
   j = ord(i)
   k = (((j) - 97) % 26) + 97
   new = new+chr(k)

D. word = 'nptel'
   new = '' 
   for i in word:
   j = (i)
   k = (((j+26) - 97) % 26) + 97
   new = new+(k)

Answer: Option A and C.

Q4. Using which of the following methods a person can store over a million images in small digital storage?

a. Decompression

b. Compression

c. Enhancement

d. Unzip

Answer: b. Compression

c. Enhancement

Q5. State True or False, A lot of information can be revealed from images by using the right kind of enhancement

a. True

b. False

Answer: a. True

Q6. type(10) will return?

a. int

b. str

c. float

d. list

Answer: a. int

Q7. Which of the following pair of words are anagrams?

a. A gentleman, Elegant man

b. Cat, Arc

c. Looted, Toledo

d. Monasteries, Aman stories

Answer: Option A and C.

Q8. Using PIL how an image ‘img’ can be flipped?

a. img.flip()

b. img.rotate()

c. img.transpose()

d. img.turn()

Answer: c. img.transpose()

Q9. What is the purpose of NLTK?

A. To process binary language.

B. To process foreign language.

C. To process human language.

D. To process only Hindi language

Answer: C. To process human language.

Q10. How does Vader help in sentiment analysis?

a. It calculates whether the statement is negative, positive, or neutral.

b. It takes care of the intensity of a statement.

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

Answer: c. Both A and B

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Disclaimer: These answers are provided only for the purpose to help students to take references. This website does not claim any surety of 100% correct answers. So, this website urges you to complete your assignment yourself.

Also Available:

NPTEL The Joy of Computing using Python Assignment Answers Week 7

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